Magnolia Tree Alba Superbra

Quick Facts

Flower Type Magnolia Tree
Flower Colour Light Pink
Planting Time Magnolias are best planted in autumn or late spring.
Watering Refer to Top Tips Field for more Information
Life Cycle Perennial

Magnolia Tree Alba Superbra: 14cm Plant

Magnolia ×soulangeana 'Alba Superba' is a slow-growing, deciduous shrub that transforms into a small, multi-stemmed tree over the years, showcasing a distinctive broad vase-shaped to broad ovoid crown. With an ultimate height reaching around 6 meters, this Magnolia cultivar is valued for its elegant and compact form, making it an excellent choice for gardens, parks, or residential landscapes. Initially, it presents as a densely branching shrub, and over time, it matures into a small tree. The multi-stemmed structure adds visual interest, while the broad vase-shaped to broad ovoid crown gives the tree a well-balanced and appealing silhouette. Deciduous leaves are likely to be elliptical or obovate, with a dark green hue during the growing season. The foliage provides a lush appearance, contributing to the tree's overall aesthetic. 'Alba Superba' indicates that this cultivar features white or pale-coloured blossoms. The flowers are likely to be large and showy, characteristic of Magnolia ×soulangeana hybrids, adding a touch of elegance to the landscape. Magnolia ×soulangeana 'Alba Superba' is a desirable choice for those seeking a compact yet visually appealing magnolia tree with the added allure of elegant white blossoms. Its slow growth allows for patient cultivation, rewarding gardeners with a charming and well-formed specimen over time.

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Flower Type
Magnolia Tree
Flower Colour
Light Pink
Flower Size
13cm - 15cm
Plant Height
6 meters+
Light Preferences
Magnolias thrive in full sun or partial shade with regular water.
Plant Spacing
It's best to measure about 1.5m+ away from your house to ensure you don't run into trouble as the tree matures
Life Cycle
Flowering Time
May through to early Spring
Pinch back the tips of the branches to encourage bushier growth. Avoid pruning too heavily, as this can affect the tree's flowering the following season.
Planting Time
Magnolias are best planted in autumn or late spring.
Planting Depth
They have shallow roots, so you don't need to dig a very deep hole. Dig a generous hole to the same depth of the pot your magnolia comes in.
Refer to Top Tips Field for more Information
Refer to Top Tips Field for more Information
Top Tips
Magnolias need a lot of water in the first few years of their lives. You'll find yourself needing to water this plant around twice a week, but slightly less in late autumn and winter. Be sure to aim your hose or watering can at the base of the tree and water as deeply as you can for the first few years of its life.

Magnolia trees have wide roots that spread out instead of going deep into the ground. So, when fertilizing your magnolia tree, it's crucial to spread the fertilizer around 15cm - 25cm out from the trunk. This will ensure that all of the roots, no matter how far from the tree, will get the nutrients they need.

Magnolia trees are known for their beautiful, fragrant flowers and can make stunning additions to your garden. Here are some top tips on how to grow and care for magnolia trees:

Magnolias generally prefer full to partial sunlight. Ensure that the tree receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. However, some species can tolerate partial shade.

Magnolias prefer well-draining, slightly acidic to neutral soil. Amend the soil with organic matter like compost to improve drainage and fertility. Avoid heavy clay soils, as they can lead to root rot.

Plant magnolia trees in the fall or early spring. Dig a hole that is as deep as the root ball but two to three times wider. This encourages the roots to spread. Water the tree thoroughly after planting.

Magnolias prefer consistently moist soil. Water the tree regularly, especially during dry periods. However, be cautious not to overwater, as magnolias are susceptible to root rot. A layer of mulch around the base can help retain soil moisture.

Fertilize your magnolia tree in early spring with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer. Follow the recommended dosage on the fertilizer package, as excessive fertilization can harm the tree.

Magnolias generally require minimal pruning. If pruning is necessary, do so after the tree has finished flowering. Remove dead or damaged branches and shape the tree as desired. Avoid heavy pruning, as magnolias don't respond well to drastic cuts.

Protection from Frost:
Some magnolia varieties are sensitive to late spring frosts, which can damage the flower buds. If frost is predicted, cover the tree with a cloth or burlap to protect the buds.

Pest and Disease Control:
Keep an eye out for pests like scale insects or aphids. Treat any infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Magnolias can be susceptible to fungal diseases, so ensure good air circulation and avoid overhead watering.