Brown Sugar

Quick Facts

Flower Type Ball Dahlia
Flower Colour Copper
Planting Time Dahlias should be planted when the nightly temperatures consistently reach 10-12 degrees Celsius or higher. In South Africa, this typically occurs from September onwards.
Watering When planting, ensure the soil is moist. Avoid overly wet or bone-dry soil, instead, maintain a consistently moist environment. Once green leaves emerge from the soil, you can gradually increase watering frequency.
Life Cycle Tender Perennial
Out of Stock

Dahlia - Brown Sugar

Dahlia brown sugar has shades of copper-brown with a touch of orange which makes this new variety a sweet addition to any garden. It was one of our top favourites this past season.

TYPE: Dahlia Tuber

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Thank you for choosing Adene Flowers. We look forward to fulfilling your order with the utmost care and attention.

Flower Type
Ball Dahlia
Flower Colour
Flower Size
Plant Height
90cm - 120cm
Light Preferences
Plant in full sun, receiving more than 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.
Plant Spacing
Life Cycle
Tender Perennial
Flowering Time
December - April
Please note that pinching is necessary once the plant reaches a height of 30cm.
Planting Time
Dahlias should be planted when the nightly temperatures consistently reach 10-12 degrees Celsius or higher. In South Africa, this typically occurs from September onwards.
Planting Depth
Place the tuber horizontally in the soil, burying it 5cm deep and ensuring a spacing of 40cm between each tuber. Position the growing eye facing upwards, then lightly cover it with 3-5cm of soil, taking care to remove any air pockets.
When planting, ensure the soil is moist. Avoid overly wet or bone-dry soil, instead, maintain a consistently moist environment. Once green leaves emerge from the soil, you can gradually increase watering frequency.
Fertilizer & PPP available on our website.
Top Tips

1. Apply Plant Protection Products (PPP) when plants are dry and allow enough time for them to dry before the evening. This helps prevent fungal diseases and ensures maximum effectiveness of the products.

2. Avoid treating plants when the ambient air temperature is above 28°C. High temperatures can stress the plants and reduce the efficacy of PPP.

3. Do not tank mix copper with any other product. Copper should be applied separately to avoid potential chemical interactions that may reduce its effectiveness.

4. Refrain from spraying a cocktail of products. Using multiple PPP at once can lead to chemical reactions or reduced efficacy, and it's harder to identify any potential issues that may arise.

5. Rotate PPP with different group codes to avoid resistance buildup in pests or diseases. Continuous use of products with the same group code can lead to pests developing resistance over time.

6. Consider using Bioneem as a great organic option. It works by making the plant surface bitter, deterring pests while being environmentally friendly. Check out our Organic spray program for more information.

7. Use a spray bottle for effective application of PPP. This ensures thorough coverage and better absorption by the plants, leading to improved pest and disease control.

Growing dahlias can be a rewarding experience, as these flowers come in various colours, shapes, and sizes, adding a beautiful touch to gardens and landscapes. Here are some top tips for growing dahlias successfully:

8. Choose the Right Location:
Dahlias thrive in full sun, so select a location in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Ensure the soil is well-draining to prevent waterlogging, which can cause root rot.

9. Planting Time:
Dahlias should be planted when the night temperatures are 10-12 degrees and higher. For most of South Africa this will be from September.

10. Planting Depth:
Lay the Tuber horizontally 5cm deep and 40cm apart from the next Tuber, growing eye facing upwards, then cover loosely with 3-5cm soil, making sure to remove air pockets.

11. Watering:
When planting, plant in moist soil. Don’t keep in overly wet soil and not in bone dry soil. The soil must always stay moist. When green leaves emerge from the soil you can start watering more regularly.

12. Fertilization:
Fertilizer & PPP available on our website.

13. Deadheading:
Regularly deadhead faded flowers to encourage continuous blooming throughout the season. This also prevents the plant from putting energy into seed production, directing it instead towards new growth and blooms.

By following these tips, you can enjoy healthy, vibrant dahlias with an abundance of beautiful blooms in your garden.